Check the card properties.

All evidence reported to date is fully explained by the textFfont being set on the source card.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems

William Prothero wrote:
I found that when I created a button, the textsize property had not been set, 
even though the IDE showed it to be 13. I then went to the IDE to click the 
size up to `4, then back down to 13 and then, when I did:
put the texsize of btn “mybutton”, it showed the textsize correctly.

It’s just one of those frustrating mysteries one encounters. The copied btn 
textsize was probably picking up the textsize from the fields that I had 
already imported.

I’d have to call it a bug, I guess??


William A. Prothero

On Oct 13, 2020, at 10:59 AM, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:

William Prothero wrote:

> I am copying a button from one card to another. The font size of the
> label changes from that of the original to a large font and I can’t
> figure out how to change the textsize of the label. I keep getting an
> error.

set the textSize of btn "SoAndSo" to 14

The curious part is that it changed when you pasted it.  If you have a textSize 
specified for the card it came from but not the card it was pasted in, that 
would govern all controls that do not have their own testSize property 
explicitly set.

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
Ambassador at      

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