Devin Asay wrote:

> I have seen what you’re describing on all of the recent releases—9.5 -
> 9.6.x; i.e., a stack with destroyStack set to true, then closed, is
> not always removed from memory. Sometimes this has caused an infinite
> loop with the Save - Purge - Cancel dialog. I would report it, but I
> haven’t been able to come up with a reliable recipe. It’s a problem
> that I would like to nail down and squash.

Is this to avoid stack name conflicts, or is there some other reason to use this feature?

Because if it's just the stack name conflict thang, I'd rather we solve that at the root by being done with that IDE-imposed limitation that doesn't actually exist in the engine:

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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