Good topic; probably deserves a relevant subject line! :)
(Easier to notice, both live and in the Archive.)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
Christian LiveCode Training and Consulting



> the project has to be able to communicate with an I/O board (Numato 16 channel USB GPIO Module for example) from a Windows Standalone application.


Once you've installed the driver for your adapter on Win10, go to the
Device Manager, Ports and find out what COM port it's linked to (eg, COM2).
Now in LiveCode, you don't need to know the driver name to write to. Just
use the command:
        open driver "COM2:" for write
This sets the plane for communication. Next, you need to set up the
settings, eg:
        set the serialControlString to "BAUD=9600 PARITY=N DATA=8 STOP=1"
These are actually the default settings, so do nothing if these are the
settings you want.
Now you just need to know the commands to send.
        write "readall" & return to driver "COM2:"
        read from driver "COM2:" for 4 -- ie, 4 characters
The read command immediately after the write allows it to accept the
response from the GPIO, in this example, for 4 characters in length (to
receive the 4 hex characters like 16AF)

And that's it pretty much. It's super easy and fun. With Wifi modules you
can use any device to communicate with them. We used iPad mini's which made
it super flexible.
Let us all know if you run into any issues and need help.

All the best

Sean Cole
*Pi Digital Productions Ltd*

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