Thanks for all the ideas, guys. I seem to get the most consistent results if I sort by the short ID of each card and then follow that with the sort for category or title. Because the data was imported from a text file, the original order is the order of the card IDs.

What threw me originally is that some cards don't sort in the order I expect. A category that starts with B is sorted before a category that starts with A. I assume the categories retain their original order when they collect matching cards. A few cards with blank categories sort to the front (good) but when sorted by title they remain at the front even though the titles all start with "The". That's okay because they are summary cards that should be at the front, but I'm not sure why they stay there during an alphabetical title sort instead of moving to the Ts. I didn't find any leading spaces or invisible characters.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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