I have submitting a report to QC (Bug 23698 

Thanks Matthias for clarifying that permissions are not correct in the archive. 
I can now add that the Linux archive has the same problem. The Windows archive 
created by revZip executes correctly.

So the problem is nothing to do with Apple. TheUnarchiver and Keka changing the 
permissions to what they think they ought to be sounds well-intentioned but 
highly problematic (what’s the meme for the opposite of an overprotective 
nanny? Busybody big sister?)

Your last comment caused me to realise that I have only changed very recently 
to automating the process of creating the zip files as a post-standalone 
build-process using revZip. Previously I created the zip files by hand, and my 
beta-tester uses Windows. Thought I was being clever. So the bug in the LC 
implementation may have been present for a long time.


> Neville, i can confirm that behavior even under BigSur.
> I've created a small standalone with LC 10DP3 on BigSur and created  2  zip 
> files  from the output folder using LC's zip library and using shell command 
> zip.
> Running the shell command 'zipinfo' to analyse both zip files showed, that 
> the zip created with LC's zip library did not contain any executable 
> permissions while the zip created with macOS zip shell command did contain 
> the permissions.
> So it seems the LC's zip library does not store the permissions in the zip.
> According to your comment about The Unarchiver. Yes, i can also confirm that 
> The Unarchiver and also Keka can extract the zip file created with LC and the 
> standalone in the extracted folder is executable again.
> But...
> As zipinfo did list all the files wihtout any executable permissions, i 
> unzipped the zip with the shell command 'unzip' and that standalone was not 
> executable again. All files showed exact those permissions that zipinfo 
> showed before.
> So i assume the following: Keka and The Unarchive seem to correct file 
> permissions when they detect a folder structure that seems to be an app 
> bundle. But that's just an assumption.
> At least Keka seems to have such feature according to its change log Changes 
> in version 1.0.11 <https://changelog.keka.io/#v1.0.11>
> But anyway. The LC zip library ignores the permission when creating an 
> archive.  If this worked before with older versions of LC  i cannot say, as i 
> always used the zip shell command or tools like Keka.
> Matthias

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