Ok, I made some more test and the problem doesn't seems to be related to
quicktime, but to the snapshop function on Lion.
I tested with LC 4.6.3 on Lion with the following code:

Put the rect of [image | player | button] "foo" into tRect
Export snapshot from rect tRect to file "export.png" as [PNG | JPEG]

Exporting a snapshot of an image or player object (with assigned image/video
file) results in corrupted image data (stripes, black,...)
Exporting a snapshot of a button works fine as expected.

Could anybody please confirm this as a bug or point me on what I am not
Thank you

> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: use-livecode-boun...@lists.runrev.com [mailto:use-livecode-
> boun...@lists.runrev.com] Im Auftrag von Tiemo Hollmann TB
> Gesendet: Montag, 15. August 2011 13:19
> An: 'How to use LiveCode'
> Betreff: Lion trouble with quicktime video snapshot
> Hello,
> a major feature of my software is taking snapshots from build in videos.
> Running on Lion this snapshot feature is corrupted. I don't get anymore a
> snapshot of my video, but irregular colors or patterns. One time the
> snapshot is grey blurred, one time plain blue or plain black. Always
> different. Taking the snapshot I do it like this:
> export snapshot from rect tRectSSQuelle to gScreenshot as PNG
> put gScreenshot into img "imgScreenShot" of tCard
> Are there any known issue with Lion and Quicktime?
> I am still using LC 4.5.1. Are there perhaps any issues with LC 4.5.1 and
> Lion
> Are there any other approaches or parameters, how to create a snapshot?
> could I test to get an idea which part is corrupted?
> Thanks for any ideas
> Tiemo
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