Hi Pierre and Scott,

Thanks for responding.  

Yes, Scott, it was Platform that I was looking for.  Thanks.

Pierre, it looks like my students may, in fact, be writing to the account files 
using a variety of line endings.  When I replace various endings with Return, 
it seems to go away.  Thanks for the tips.



On Fri, Sep 9, 2011, at 10:26 PM, Pierre wrote:

> How are your "account files" handled, by hand (if yes, try how it goes in 
> saving them in different charset (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1), ... in using 
> TextMate or the excellent free TextWrangler) and different line ending 
> options ((LF, CR, CRLF) to track the problem) or programmatically (if yes, 
> way one test should help too)?

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