On 15/09/2011 19:09, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Ben Rubinstein wrote:
Is there still a way to build a standalone using current LiveCode, that can
operate on a Linux box that can only be accessed on the command line?

I've been able to build standalones that behave well when run from the command
line provided I launch them with the -ui flag and include a quit command after
they're done processing. The quit command may not be necessary; I vaguely
recall having a CGI hang years ago without that, and so I've been adding it
for all CLI usage ever since.


Thanks for the reply. Can you confirm that you can make this work on a Linux machine with no display manager / window manager (I'm not sure of the correct terminology)?

As I mentioned, I can make such standalones with 3.5; but built from 4.6.4, it simply hangs on launch even with the -ui flag (without the -ui flag it stops immediately with the message "can't open display").

Many thanks,


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