Hi Matthias and Richard,

Thanks for the tip Matthias.  I’ll give it a try.

Richard, I’m afraid that changing the extension does not cause the type to 
change.  I’ve been saving them with the extension “csv” and even even changed 
them manually to “txt” and then back to “csv”.  The Get Info window lists them 
as either Document or a Microsoft Workbook.



On Sat, Sep 17, 2011, at 7:33 PM,  Matthias wrote

i had a similiar question today. 
Just put one of the following lines
set the filetype to "????CSV"           
set the filetype to "XCELCSV"
in the script before you write the file. 

???? means the CSV file is opened in the default application set in the 
system?s preferences.XCEL means  the file is assigned to be opened by Excel ( 
if installed).



On Sat, Sep 17, 2011, at 7:33 PM, Richard wrote:

> The Finder doesn't know about the internal structure of a file.  What it 
> reports is just what it can derive from the file name extension.
> If you change the file name to end in ".csv", the Finder will report it 
> as being "comma separated values".
> That said, tab-delimited is a better choice.  CSV must die:
> <http://www.fourthworld.com/embassy/articles/csv-must-die.html>
> --
>  Richard Gaskin

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