You and your wife are a very small sample. But I'm glad you found a phone that 
works for you (so have I - it's an iPhone). And honestly, arguing for the 
superiority of a phone based on the numbers sold is just bad science. Lot's of 
factors (personal preference, carrier choice, cost, product loyalty are also 
part of the mix of factors at play.

On 05/10/2011, at 4:33 PM, Admin wrote:

> My HTC Evo - NEVER has a problem. Never. Great battery life
> with a nice large battery I purchased for it. Outstanding in every way.
> You are a FOOL if you do not support Android - it dwarfs Apple in sheer
> number of companies that support it. It won't be long before Androids
> far outnumber iphones - it's a numbers game and there are more of them
> and only one of Apple. 

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