Mark Wieder wrote:


Saturday, November 12, 2011, 6:46:18 AM, you wrote:

IIRC, -f was to prevent file access, yes?

I'm probably misremembering the exact details - it's been a while now.
It may even have just been redirection

revolution < scriptFile

Is there a way that using secureMode might work for what you need?

No, what we need there is a way to invoke the engine with a file
argument. Something that says "load and run the following script".
As a trivial example, a three-line script file "lastyear"

put the files into tFiles
filter tFiles with "*2010"
put tFiles

would give me all the files in the current directory that were created
last year. And as a worst case example it could be invoked with

LiveCode -f lastyear

even better if I specified a file mapping so that .rev files were
launched by the LC engine so that I could just say


Wouldn't you be able to get the params you need from a standalone?

I haven't used the runtime engine by itself in a very long time, but have had great success (and quite a bit of fun) adding CLI support to standalones.

 Richard Gaskin
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