Yes I was actually thinking about and had begun to make each card/form it's own 
stack, but when I got to the place of thinking about all the variables and code 
and message paths I had already set up and was deeply entrenched in, the hassle 
of making it all work non-modally so to speak seemed too much of a hassle. 

I guess the lesson to be learned here, is plan for standalone and modality 
before coding an app. Retooling can be a b****!


On Nov 18, 2011, at 4:31 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:

> Probably what will work is to make a stackrunner type of splash stack with
> any libraries etc included. Then you can have your real stack with its
> substacks be opened by the splash. As long as the right support stuff is
> included the splash you can "go stack.."  and it should be fine, and the
> splashstack can handle the saving of changes to your real stack.
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Bob Sneidar <> wrote:
>> Correction. You cannot go to a card in a new window. The command will
>> ignore the new window and just go to the card in the existing window. That
>> would be a nice feature enhancement for having multiple windows open on a
>> single stack.
>> Bob

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