David C. wrote:

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Richard Gaskin
<ambassador at fourthworld.com> wrote:

In terms of design, it's almost as big a departure from earlier versions as
OS X is from Mac OS 9.  And as with my Mac experience, the transition was a
bit jarring at first, and I initially complained about not being as
productive.  But with both OS X and Unity, the more time I spend with the
new system the more I like it.

How would you rate your experience/satisfaction level so far, as it
applies to actual LC development using Unity?

Pretty much as with any other distro I've worked with: under-the-hood operations (string manipulation, calculations) perform on par with other platforms, but some aspects of text rendering are noticeably slower.

And of course there's the lack of feature parity with other platforms RunRev supports, like missing externals, video playback as weak as on Windows, weak drag-and-drop support, and a few others.

These weaknesses in the Linux engine are especially ironic since MetaCard was born on Unix and historically maintained good parity as new platforms were added, and moreover the Linux engine costs twice as much as other platforms while delivering less. :\

That said, overall few of these affect my work (except video playback, which also also hinders opportunities for my Windows apps), so for most projects I'm able to do what I need to do on whatever platform I happen to be using that day.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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