Hello everyone,

I develop LiveCode apps for my students on my Mac, and I sometimes have limited 
opportunities to fully test them on PCs.  I recently updated to LiveCode 5.0.2 
and rebuilt a stack that was originally coded in 5.0.1.  I saved the stack as 
Mac and Windows standalones for distribution to my students.  One of my 
Windows-using students told me today that the app does not have a default App 
menu, e.g., My App, with whatever menu items the Windows app menu would have, 
but especially Quit (or Exit)!  Because there is no Quit menu item, there is no 
way to exit the app when the undecorated splash screen appears.  I don’t know 
what the Windows equivalent to the dock on the Mac is, but there appears to be 
no icon on his Windows box to indicate the app is open or to provide another 
means to quit.  How do I get the default app menu to appear on the Windows 
standalone like it used to?  Has something changed with 5.0.2?



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