On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:43 AM, Pete <p...@mollysrevenge.com> wrote:

> Pre-Lion, I would just click on the icon for my Home directory, then
> navigate to Library/Preferences in the Finder.  In Lion, I could not find a
> home directory icon to click on, nor could I find an icon representing the
> computer's hard drive, either on the desktop or in any Finder windows that
> I could see.
> To get the Home directory and/or the Hard Drive to appear in the sidebar
of the Finder window simply open the Finder's Preferences (not the System
Preferences) and select your Home folder and Hard Drive - I guess Apple now
thinks because people don't see these on the iPhone they don't want to see
them on their desktop.

Bizarrely, once you've got your HD in the sidebar you can navigate to your
/Library folder and /System/Library folder but Apple still keeps the
~/Library folder hidden.

To permanently reveal the ~/Library folder, in Terminal:

chflags nohidden ~/Library

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