Thanks to those who responded to this. I was doing something similar to Dan's idea, but wondered if there was a way to use lineOffset or something else. I'll take a look at all the suggestions and continue on. I wish I could wrap my brain around regex - it all looks like a cat walked across my keyboard to my poor mind!

Marty K
oops. Change the merge line to this for partial matches

    filter tmyList with (merge("*[[line 1 of tMerge]]*[[tab]]*[[line 2 of
tMerge]]*[[tab]]*[[line 3 of tMerge]]*[[tab]]*[[line 4 of tMerge]]*"))

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Mike Bonner<>  wrote:

Or with filter

I setup a stack with a list field and 4 search fields, 1 search field for
each column, and added a search button.

--Search button code
on mouseUp
    put field "mylist" into tMyList
    repeat with i = 1 to 4
       if field ("field"&  i) is empty then
          put "*" into line i of tMerge
          put field ("field"&  i) into line i of tMerge
       end if
    end repeat
    filter tmyList with (merge("[[line 1 of tMerge]][[tab]][[line 2 of
tMerge]][[tab]][[line 3 of tMerge]][[tab]][[line 4 of tMerge]]"))
    put tMyList
end mouseUp

Puts an asterisk for empty search fields puts the value for the fields
that should be matched against.

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