I've just noticed that in 5.0.2 a line in an idle handler script which sets the 
script of another stack is now failing.  There's nothing in the result when it 
fails, although I do get a rather cryptic return if I put it in a try-catch 
(below).  The rest of the idle handler simply stops running.  The content of 
the script being set is only three lines long so I'm sure it doesn't exceed 
Livecode's limit (which I believe is 10 lines).  As a matter of fact, if I run 
the same handle from a button in the standalone it works fine.

Here's the try-catch error:
449,96,7,on idle
535,96,1,on idle

Here's the script:
   put "on myHandler" into tmpScript
   put "send "&numToChar(34)&"doIdle"&numToChar(34)&" to stack 
"&numToChar(34)&"•Panels Shell•"&numToChar(34)&"" into line 2 of tmpScript
   put "end myHandler  into line 3 of tmpScript
   set the script of stack "Panels" to tmpScript
Any ideas?

Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software
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