On 02/06/2012 09:23 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
How are you playing videos on Linux?

Are you able to do it at all?

Running openSUSE 12, KDE and KWin. I get audio but no video attempting to play videoclips. Using the player, and with window effects on, I get audio but no visible video. I get video if I turn off window effects before launching Livecode. It renders normally with full opacity. Once launched, I can turn window effects back on and video is still normal. Toggling window effects after launch has no effect on the video, either way.

Mint 9 in VirtualBox, running without window effects, videoclips behave as above above. Video playback using a player is fine. When I ran Mint 10 with Compiz, I got the same transparent masking effect you have described seeing under Ubuntu.


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