Yes, this sounded great... I used Bryce for hundreds if not thousands of hours, 
many years ago.
I downloaded and installed this free 7.1 Pro version as soon as I read this on 
the list... but it crashes on launch on Mac OSX Lion, and according to the 
forums there is no fix in the works for the foreseeable future.

Now I'm thinking I'll install the Windows version of it on a dual boot system...

- Charles

On 2012-02-08, at 10:57 AM, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

>> Holey moley!  I just went and got mine!  You are sooo awesome 
>> for sharing this with us, Matthias!  Thankee!
>>> Daz3d is giving away 3 of their 
>> products (Win and MacOSX) for free for a limited time. 
>>> The apps are
>>> Bryce 7 Pro
>>> Hexagon 2.5
>>> Daz Studio 4 Pro
> These are all very useful - especially since they are free ;-) A couple of
> notes and trivia:
> 1) Meshbox Design (another Proactive company) licenses loads and loads of
> Bryce compatible models in different genres, from the Old West to 1950s to
> Fantasy/Sci Fi - or Very
> useful if you were thinking of making a Myst style or exotic themed game.
> Also, a few characters that work in DAZ Studio.
> 2) The content management system in DAZ Studio 4 Pro is based on...Valentina
> DB :-) Some clever programmers with the appropriate Valentina ADK could come
> up with some interesting utilities...
> Best regards,
> Lynn Fredricks
> President
> Proactive International, LLC
> - Because it is about who you know.(tm)
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