On Feb 11, 2012, at 1:33 PM, Ken Corey wrote:
> I don't know what the engine does to the code...the code might be "compiled" 
> (I use that term loosely) down, where evaluated code isn't.
> Hrm...can you abstract each little script enough to make little commands?
> on appearFlower
>   set the loc of image "flower" to 400,401
>   set the height of image "flower" to 150
>   set the width of image "flower" to 150
> end appearFlower
> in frame 30:
>  appearFlower
> Does that help?

I've tried something similar, but I think I've stumbled across the real problem 
- my animation loop code must be awful, because the performance is terrible.  
Inside of the loop, I just ran the following lines, one after the other:

   put the long seconds into daStartSecs
   answer the long seconds - daStartSecs

And I got something like .476.  When I run those two lines outside of the loop, 
I get .000001.  So obviously I need to go back through the animation loop code 
I wrote and figure out what I'm doing wrong.  If I can figure this whole issue 
out, I'll post it to the forum, because it'll be too long to put on the list.  
Thanks for taking the time to respond to me, Ken - I really appreciate it.  :)

Richard MacLemale
Music = http://www.richardmac.com
Programming = http://www.macandchee.se
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