On 03/07/2012 08:21 PM, Tim Jones wrote:
Simply put -

It's NOT Windows, and it's free, so don't expect everything to work as well as it does with real Windows.

Not any good really with the Livecode IDE as doesn't work at all well with PNG images.

If, however, you are developing Livecode stuff for Windows that only uses JPG images (which, considering the overheads and lack of transparency is fairly daft) then you could use WINE for beta testing.

WINE is useful for a few Windows-only programs, although as Desktop Linux matures, even though WINE matures as well, WINE
begins to look a bit unnecessary. I use it for Fontographer only.

The myth that there are a vast number of Windows-only programs that Linux cannot duplicate is what sustains WINE; but it is
increasingly a myth.

So, probably better, in terms of Beta-testing at least, to have XP running in a Virtual Box, or on an old Pentium 4 [here in Bulgaria at 3 GHz, 2 GB RAM Pentium 4s going for about 40 Euros a pop (I mean, I've got 2 spare ones under my bed, "just in case") the question is fairly academic - just link the whole lot together with a cheap-N-nasty switch and a few LAN cables]. Of course, One can buy Windows XP for about the same price hereabouts; so 80 Euros is probably worth it (plus a monitor I got free from my bank when they were going "all flat") for 'real' Windows.

  no Windows license required; your app runs natively on the hosting platform 
(Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, etc.).

NO, they don't "run natively"; some of them do, some of them "screw up at crucial moments" and some of them don't budge. It is a bit like that strange cabinet in the corner in Woody Allen's "Sleeper"; not really the real thing . . . :)

   On the other hand, there are a number of apps that don't run quite right.

Livecode being the one that is signally relevant right here. Until WINE gets into PNG rendering forget it.


On Mar 7, 2012, at 11:18 AM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Hi Richmond. What are the ups and downs to using Wine as opposed to a VM like 


On Mar 7, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Richmond wrote:

WINE 1.4


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