On Mar 31, 2012, at 12:13 PM, Ludovic Thébault wrote:

> I've a field which is "focused" always when the card is opened (or after a 
> resumestack when i switch from the script windows for example) and i don't 
> know why !
> I've no script about this. It's not a real focus (no blue border on macos) 
> but there is the "blink cursor" to type in the field.
> It's a problem because this is a stack for iOS and the keyboard always 
> display on the device when this field is focused.

> i put this line :
> focus on nothing
> at the end of the opencard script but no change.
> Any ideas ?

I have this line in openStack handled in the stack script:

   send "focus on nothing" to card 1 of me in .1 seconds

I think that solved the problem for me, but it might have been some combination 
one or more of dozens of things I tried.  

I think 'focus on nothing' should work in any openStack, preOpenStack, 
openCard, preOpenCard.  Should we call this not working in openCard a bug?  And 
is the focus at the start of the app a bug or a feature?  


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