On 4/3/12 9:24 AM, Tim Jones wrote:

After you update to Lion, you can install Parallels 7 and then build
a Snow Leopard VM.  This is what I do on my personal Mac Pro (I also
have Leopard and Tiger, as well as multiple Windows and Linux

I'm going to keep Snow Leopard on my old MacBook. I already have Parallels and I hadn't thought of that approach, but it's a good idea and I may do that as well.

Another option would be to buy a firewire external HD and install
Lion onto that and then dual boot your system (this is what I do with
two of our iMacs.

Last week I went through an amazing number of hoops to do that and made a partition on an external drive intending to dual-boot. But it occured to me that I'd need to reset Time Machine, duplicate all my settings, etc. and in the long run I decided not to.

I'm going to push the button today. Really.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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