Hi LiveCoders

The mergExt suite of externals has grown again! The mergExt poll results 
continue to identify MapKit as a very high prority for the LiveCode community 
and now mergMK delivers beautiful maps with very easy to use commands. Action 
sheets are such a critical user interaction method that you will wonder what 
you ever did without the handy mergPop.

mergPop is an iOS external that adds functions to present an action sheet 
(popover on iPad) and contextual menu for user interaction.

mergMK is a LiveCode MapKit external that adds a map control which supports 
showing user location with heading, adding annotation pins (including draggable 
pins) and drawing polyline overlays

mergAV also has a new function to extract a thumbnail image from a video.

The suite now includes 10 externals and is stunning value at $199 including a 
year of updates. 

By coming up with the name mergPop forum member arkstar won 3 months of free 
access to mergExt. Please contact me off list arkstar.

Don't forget to vote for what you want next!


Monte Goulding
M E R Goulding
Software development services
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