Actually, Mark Weider has done a lot to make GLX2 stable and better. The 
current version seems to be working really well. To my knowledge, PowerDebug 
has never been the source of any issues I have run into, but my memory is 
really bad so take that with a grain of salt. The issues I have had were also 
present in the vanilla debugger if I recall. I will go so far as to say that 
many of the features in the built-in editor and debugger were the result of 
Jerry's pioneering work in GLX2. PowerDebug is just the GLX2 debugger broken 
out as a separate plugin (correct me if I am wrong). 

I like PowerDebug for a few reasons, not the least of which is a hotkey for 
step over, into and what have you. I especially like usign the spacebar to step 
through code. I think their variable inspector is really well done as well. 
Being able to view the contents of an array has been especially useful to me 
and is primarily why I even use the LC arrays after becoming so used to 
numbered key style arrays. I also like the way tabs are managed, and the bread 
crumbs feature is genius. 

The problem of course, with this kind of editor and debugger, as Jerry has 
pointed out in the past, is that because it is done entirely in LC, the 
potential for breaking it when new versions of LC come out that make changes to 
the engine is always a factor. It was so much of an issue that Jerry opted for 
a different approach with Remo. He stores values of all the variables when he 
encounters a breakpoint. It takes some getting use to, and I used it for a 
while, but I personally favor the in-your-face stop executing and holler at me 
approach to debugging. 

On May 9, 2012, at 11:28 AM, stephen barncard wrote:

> Speaking of GLX2, I'd love to use it but I can't trust it not to implode
> for no reason.  Sometimes it just gets lost or doesn't show handlers on the
> left. Perhaps a memory leak? Errors are not reported properly or not at
> all. And UNDO is completely broken. Bob, do you not have any issues with it?
> Feature wise, there is no better editor for Livecode/Rev than GLX2. I
> really want to use it but have been forced to go back to the native editor,
> which has its own issues, which I will gripe about later. But at least it
> doesn't lose  code.
> Does GLX2 just work better with PowerDebug? I had not combined the two as I
> thought it might just make it worse.

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