It's not that bad, Jim. Really.  Very few of us are gurus - just empowered
users, like you. The tools and the information are out there. Rev gave the
revlet a good shot, imho, and they had to drop it to concentrate on what is
more relevant for now. Andre's response says it all. One good thing is the
web is by design cross platform. Revlets required the maintenance of
several code bases and umpteen browsers, a nightmare, an impossible task.

Have you even tried reserver yet? Why not get a monthly account at on-rev
and mess around for a while. It's awesome.

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 9:05 PM, Jim Schaubeck <>wrote:

> So the revlet concept is not getting any more attention and revserver is
> great if you know 5 other programming languages to get it right.
> I invested in livecode because of its web presence (actually it was the
> sales pitch of web apps that won me over). But I have officially given up
> on livecodesrevlet support.  Where does a livecode only person go from here
> if they want to be on the web?
> Where does livecode sit with the web?  Revsever and all of it's simplicity
> might be the right answer for most guru's on this list but I'm 100%
> livecode...I don't have time to learn the other 5 languages?
>   Jim Schaubeck
> 714.321.4499
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