On May 25, 2012, at 12:14 AM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

> Peter,
> So you have over 140,000 objects to search through and it does that in 20 
> seconds? How long does it take the LiveCode Find and Replace function to 
> search all of that? Searching through all those objects in 20 seconds might 
> not be all that bad considering that LiveCode does't handle lots of cards in 
> a stack that well.
> The progress indicator advances with each open stack. Try opening 5 small 
> stacks with your big stack in the middle of the order. How does the progress 
> indicator advance? I would assume it will be still while it searches through 
> your big stack and advances quickly before and after.

The LC find & replace panel takes about 7-8 seconds to search, and its progress 
bar runs fairly smoothly from left to right. Your plugin takes longer, and the 
progress bar hangs at about 15% for the bulk of that time, then speeds rapidly 
to the end in the last 2 seconds.

> I would suggest turning off the automatic reindexing in the preferences and 
> just click the index button manually to time it.

Yes, I'll do that.

> Do you have a splash screen to run your program or do you run it in the IDE 
> when using it?

IDE. I kept meaning to turn it into a standalone but never got there.

> It sounds like you have a terrifically useful program that you wrote. Sorry 
> to hear it will be obsolete for you soon.

Thanks for the sympathy.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham

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