On 08/01/2012 11:58 AM, Ken Corey wrote:
Well, yes, he's annoying. Unimpressive, and fanatical could describe him. I met him 17 years ago when he came to the Labs at Sun where I was working. I thought "what a wackjob" then...and he's gotten worse.

That doesn't mean he's wrong.

Look at the tendency of coporations to lock us out of our stuff:

Apple with their non-user-maintainable computers, then the closed and arbitrary App Store, and now operating systems that are locked down. Can you imagine Microsoft getting away with that 5 years ago when every state was suing them?

Microsoft with their upcoming app store, Windows 8RT where you're only allowed to install IE (what kind of world is /that/ going to be), and the UEFI/Linux issues.

Pretty much *any* organisation that wants to sell your information without you knowing about it.

The various IP robber barons of the entertainment industries and the hundreds of DRM schemes they've tried to foist upon the unwashed.

Okay, so the guy could rub Ghandi the wrong way, but honestly, if he wasn't such a prat, I'd completely agree with him.

As it is, there's no way I'd be seen in public with him...but he's got a point.

He has; but his mode of delivery is so off-putting he is probably having a directly opposite effect
to what he intends.


On 01/08/2012 09:01, Richmond wrote:

"Richard Stallman - founder of the Free Software Foundation and the GNU
operating system - said releasing DRM-protected games on the open-source
platform would be "unethical"

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