Good thought Jacque but unfortunately no joy.  It was a stack saved in
Legacy (2.7) format but opening it in 5.0, then Save As..., then opening
the saved version in 5.0 didn't fix the problem.

I'm wondering if I can work around whatever the problem is by putting a 4
pixel transparent border at the top of the icon and not setting the

I think I should probably submit this as a bug since I can easily attach
the stack.  Seems like it works of other folks but obviously there's
something in my stack that causes it to not work.

lcSQL Software <>

On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 12:07 PM, J. Landman Gay

> I wonder if it's related to the field rewrite in 5.5. If the stack was
> made in 5.5 and saved in legacy format, the field may not be exactly the
> same as it would have been earlier. You might be able to test that by
> opening it in an earlier version and doing a "save as", which would rewrite
> the file in the earlier format.
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