Ok... I've got everything working on my iOS app in regards to Push 
Notifications.  Pretty cool!  When the app launches it's saving the device 
token to a sql database on my server, and I am able to send a push notice to 
each device.  When the app is running, the message is displayed via the 
pushNotificationReceived message.  If the app is not running, the correct 
display is happening on the phone (banner or alert).  Perfect!  

One problem, if you tap on the banner or alert, the app launches but then 
crashes!  Rats!  I can lunch the app no problem if it's not from the banner or 
alert.  And, if the app is running, I can even bring down the notification 
"sheet" and tap the message and it appears correctly.

Is there an issue with launching a iOS app when invoked by a Push Notification? 
Or, am I doing something wrong?

ANY assistance would be appreciated!

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