Here's another nuance on lock screen, throwing in preOpenCard processing
just for good measure!

My preOpenCard code includes lock and unlock screen commands. While the
screen is locked, I alter the stack's topLeft property, expecting that the
user would see the stack in the location I set it to.

However, the stack is initially displayed in one location then jumps to the
location I set it to.

My understanding of preOpenCard is that it happens before the stack is
displayed so  this behavior puzzles me.  I had to move the code that
adjusts the stack's topLeft into another handler and execute it via a "send
in zero" command in order to get round some other issues with preOpenCard -
could it be that delays the setting  of topLeft long enough that it doesn't
happen until after preOpenCard is done?

This all with LC 5.5.0 and OS X 10.7.4.

lcSQL Software <>

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:00 AM, Mark Wieder <> wrote:

> Richmond-
> Thursday, September 20, 2012, 1:29:32 AM, you wrote:
> > That 'multiple lockscreen' thing does seem illogical and/or daft, and it
> > might not be a bad thing if it were changed so that 'locked' meant
> > 'locked once' and was not ambiguous.
> It's actually quite useful as is. It means I can write smaller
> routines that fiddle with the screen, locking before and unlocking
> afterwards. I can then string these routines together in a larger
> construct, locking before and unlocking after, without needing to
> worry about the screen suddenly popping to life (and slowing things
> down) in the middle. Remembering to unlock after you've locked isn't
> any more cumbersome than remembering to close parentheses or quotes.
> --
> -Mark Wieder
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