Hi, Craig. There's no message build up : every time you send a 'showRandoms tSecs', you schedule another 'showRandoms tSecs' if your time check is true, so there's one pending. Pressing the stop button just makes another call to the handler, it doesn't cancel the scheduled message - it's still there and will still fire. When you send 'showRandoms 0', the existing scheduled message is still 'showRandoms x' - it still has it's random number as the tSecs parameter.

On 03/10/2012 02:15, dunb...@aol.com wrote:

Just read your post. I came to the same conclusion. See the last entry in the 
thread in the forums.

But it seems like each time a pending message is queued, a message is sent, so 
I do not see why these should build up. But I posted an example, similar to 
your thinking, and it obviously is the reason behind it all.

But as Bernd notes, why the "exit to top" doesn't kill everything is still a 

Craig Newman

-----Original Message-----
From: John Craig <j...@splash21.com>
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>
Sent: Tue, Oct 2, 2012 4:43 pm
Subject: Re: Finally found one.

Hi, Craig.  Looks like the trouble is that you've always got a pending
message, so after you press stop, there's another message fired
immediately to start things rolling again.

try this handler in the card;

command cancelMessages pMessages
     -- cancel any pending messages in the pMessages list
     if pMessages = empty then exit cancelMessages
     put the pendingMessages into tPending
     repeat for each line tMsg in tPending
        put item 1 of tMsg into tID
        put item 3 of tMsg into tName
        if tName is among the items of pMessages then cancel tID
     end repeat
end cancelMessages

and change your showRandoms command to;

on showRandoms tSecs
     put random(99)
     if tSecs = 0 then
        cancelMessages "showRandoms"
        exit to top
     end if
     if tSecs > the seconds then send "showRandoms" && tSecs to me in 10
end showRandoms

HTH  :)

On 02/10/2012 03:25, dunb...@aol.com wrote:

Finally found reproducible scripts that work as advertised when stepping
through in the deBugger, but do not when simply run. This gremlin has been
sighted, like the Yeti, by nominally sane people, but never caught.

Make two buttons. Name one "start". Name the other "stop".

in btn "start":
on mouseUp
     put the seconds + 8 into tSecs
     showrandoms tSecs
end mouseUp

In btn "stop":
on mouseup
     send "showRandoms" && 0 to this card
end mouseup

In the card script:
on showRandoms tSecs
     put random(99)
     if tSecs = 0 then
        exit to top
     end if
     if tSecs > the seconds then send "showRandoms" && tSecs to me in 0
end showRandoms

Try it. If you press the "start" button, you get random numbers in msg for
eight seconds. If you press the "stop" not while this is going on, nothing

If you place a breakpoint at the "exit to top" line in the card script. the
handler is caught there, and if you then step through, you exit. The "stop"
button resets the variable "tSecs" to a value that will force showRandoms to
end. And it does, but only if you step through, not if you run it. The variable
watcher shows a "0" as the value of tSecs, as it should, and the conditional
tosses you out of the handler. As it should.

But not in a normal run, only in the debugger.

I have been chasing this since 1987. I am not crazy. I have pictures. I will
start a support group.

Craig Newman

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