On Oct 16, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Bob Sneidar <b...@twft.com> wrote:

> They promised me easy applications, and all I had to do was repeat all the 
> commands over and over. "on mouseUp. on Opencard. On closeStack." Over and 
> over. One day I woke up in a teepee in Northern California smelling like 
> smoke, with a big headache, a woman with armpit hair, two marmots and no idea 
> how I got there. It's bad, bad stuff man! I'm never going back again! 
> Bob

LOL, LOL, LOL, thank bob you made my morning! 

the marmots i can explain (i grew up in northern california), but the rest is 
your bad trip...


On Oct 16, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Francis Nugent Dixon <effe...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> I've been to more than 50 countries, and Scotland is certainly
> the most beautiful country I ever saw. OK, so they do eat haggis,
> but then again, nobody is perfect !
> -Francis

I agree, we toured scotland earlier this year for a couple of weeks and it was 
pretty much like a coffee table book! very pleasant folks and very fun and easy 
to get around. food was great as well. 

modern haggis is quite tasty, they do it all sorts of ways now, even contests 
with it that the queen judges! hey but i eat hot dogs, spam and scrapple...

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