A standalone I built on my Mac for both Mac and Windows can't find the
custom menus when I run it in Windows.

The error message I get on launch:

Executing at 10:49:05 AM on Friday, January 25, 2013
Type: Chunk: no such object
Object: stack "//psf/Home/Desktop/Send AricaNews.exe"
Line: enable menu "File"
Line Num: 7
Hint: true

Works fine on the Mac.

The referenced code is:

on openStack
   if the number of this cd <> 1 then go cd 1
   set the visible of grp "editors" to the platform = "MacOS"

   if fld "input" is empty then retrieveAcopy
   if the environment <> "development" then
      enable menu "File"
      enable menu "Edit"
      enable menu "Organization"
   end if
end openStack

In the Standalone Application Settings, I have General: Search for required
inclusions..., Remove all profiles...

LiveCode 4.6.1, Windows XP

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

-- Paul
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