I am trying to build and test a simple iOS external using the Livecode iOS Externals "LiveCodeSDK-R14" following the instructions at http://www.runrev.com/developers/documentation/externals-sdk/.

My mac is running 10.8 with LiveCode 5.5.4 and XCode 4.6 with iOS SDKs for 5.1, 6.0 and 6.1.

No matter which version of the iOS SDK I select in the build settings for the XCode project, when I try and build the external using the 'test' environment (to use the iOS simulator) I get the following message:

"The selected destination does not support the architecture for which the selected software is built. Switch to a destination that supports that architecture in order to run the selected software"

If I try to build the external by itself, it appears to be successful, however when I then try to build the standalone app from inside LiveCode, I get the following message when it tries to link in the binary:

"linking for armv7 failed with arm-apple-darwin10-llvm-g++-4.2: /private/var/folders/hj/j7f88c7x2fl2w9c6ws8hc8y80000gn/T/TemporaryItems/tmp/tmp.1209.7dCnDc6A: No such file or directory"

Has anyone got the iOS externals SDK working with XCode 4.6 and LiveCode 5.5.4?

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