"Thousands" is like zero in terms of a performance hit.  I have an app on
iOS that has tens-of-thousands of records in it, and to say it's
instantaneous would be an injustice.

There are lots of things you can do to enhance performance (either
normalizing or denormalizing the data, adding indexes, etc.), if that winds
up being an issue, but I have tried both mySQL and SQLite and have yet to
figure out why I need one over the other.

Now when you get into multi-concurrent users with lots of records, then
there start to be things to think about, but that is not the case here, and
you could probably also store the data in a field in a card and not really

There have been numerous studies done that compare various DBMS's,
especially the free ones.  The differences seem to be small for the most

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Chris Sheffield <cmsheffi...@icloud.com>wrote:

> I hope nobody minds that I ask this here. While it's not specifically
> about LiveCode, the database I'm asking about will be used for a LiveCode
> app. :-)
> I need some advice/pointers on how best to store some static "read-only"
> data in a SQLite database. We're talking potentially thousands of records.
> I've been given an Excel spreadsheet with 24 sheets containing data to
> import. There are about 12 fields/columns. The data is separated into 24
> sheets, but it could potentially all reside in one table in the database
> (fields are the same on each sheet). The question is, should I do that?
> Will SQLite bog down after a while? This new app we're working on will need
> constant access to this database, probably via several open record sets at
> once. I'm just trying to figure out if it would be best to store everything
> in one large table, or to split each sheet of data into its own table.
> Would that be more efficient? Or would it be even better to have each sheet
> in its own file? Also, are there specific settings/properties I should set
> on the db to help keep performance as optimal as possible?
> Just brainstorming here. Would love to hear opinions, especially if
> someone out there is a SQLite guru. :-)
> Thanks,
> Chris
> --
> Chris Sheffield
> Read Naturally, Inc.
> www.readnaturally.com
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On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
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