On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Dar Scott <d...@swcp.com> wrote:

> Putting
>         local tcount
> at the top of the handler fixes this for me.  (Maybe somebody already said
> that.)
> This is a scary bug for me.  I quit LiveCode after the tests.

Hi Dar,
I just posted that earlier this morning but it caught in the dreaded
"message too big" trap - I sure wish that limit would be increased.

Anyway, the gist of my post was that I included local declarations for temp
and counter because I use strict compilation mode and everything worked
fine for me right from the start.  I switched strict compilation mode off
and removed the local and the problem raised it's ugly head immediately.

It seems that the pre-allocation of memory works differently than the
allocation of memory on the fly, which is somewhat scary.

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