On May 27, 2013, at 8:24 AM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
> That brings back the two word character problem, and then some . . .

It reminds me of packing file names in CPM.  

Back to you problem.  Is that solved?

I would be inclined to use the unicodeText property put take text out of a 
field and to set it.  Then, use uniEncode and uniDecode to convert that to and 
from UTF8.  That's assuming UTF8 is right for your db and other needs.

However, there have "recently" been some enhancements that might make some 
other methods better.  Others, would probably have a better notion than I on 
using those.

However, it might be possible to set up both apps and the db to use some other 
character set, say, Mac OS Roman.


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