On 07/27/2013 09:57 PM, Ender Nafi Elekçioğlu wrote:
Hello Dear LiveCoders,

We're still on the streets but there are other things to do.
Legal prosecutions, seeking human rights in official echelons, etc.

However, one must pay the rent and the bills ;-)
Time to roll up my sleeves and get back to coding.

I really missed you, guys :-)
The discussions, questions, answers, algorithms, solutions, mental challenges 
and all...
I missed LiveCode, too.

We're having a "time" over here in Bulgaria; but, unlike Istanbul, the world chooses not to pay it any attention because Bulgaria is not a strategic ally of the US, nor is it a bastion against Islamic

So the police belted people over the heads with batons, drawing blood, and not a sound is heard in the
international media.

Meanwhile the Bulgarian oligarchy rolls on and over its citizens; the EU looks on and sucks its lollipops.


with my kindest regards from istanbul,

~ Ender Nafi
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