This thread is too long and full of misunderstandings (even from the expert 
lawyer on the technical side) to reply to every post separately.  Here's my 
take (IANAL but I did work for a open source software foundation and write the 
licensing FAQs etc):

1) Anything published without an explicit copyright license (or public domain 
disclaimer) has an implied license for you to make use of it personally but not 
to redistribute it or derivatives.  GitHub very recently woke up to this issue 
and the huge amount of legally suspect sharing they were encouraging - they 
added a license picker to their repository creation process:
As part of this they created the very helpful which 
in turn includes - for another carefully 
crafted take on what having no explicit license means.

2) If you choose to create and share an open source library under an open 
source license then you don't usually also need a contributors agreement.  Code 
contributed to a project with an explicit license falls under the terms of that 
license.  Contributors agreements are for the ultra-paranoid or for situations 
(like RunRev's) where you need extra rights from the contributors than those 
given by the license (e.g. RunRev also needs the right to distribute 
contributions in the commercial version as well as the GPLv3 community 
version).  If you want to have an open source library (usable with community 
edition) and accept external contributions but you also want to use it in 
commercial closed source apps then choose a permissive license (e.g. MIT).

3) Stackfiles are (almost certainly) not derivative works. The content of 
stacks is generated by LiveCode but they do not contain bits of the engine 
code.  You could think of this as similar to the paint package case - most 
image files will have a header and encode your pixel data in some special 
machine readable format - they don't put parts of the paint package code in the 

4) Standalones include the engine code and most definitely are derivative works 
and thus subject to the GPL.

5) Regardless of licensing issues, you can do whatever you want with 
(non-password protected) stacks you find on revOnline or anywhere else with the 
community edition *for your own use* - its further distribution of what you do 
that is restricted by the GPL.  Indeed the GPL very carefully secures your 
right to do almost anything you like with LiveCode for your own personal 
consumption.  The concept of "fair use" also applies to things like learning 
and study, giving you freedom to do those whatever the original license on the 
stack - it does not usually apply to commercial use or redistribution, although 
if your use is sufficiently transformative (i.e. you make the code do something 
else) it may.  However, copyright law is frankly completely inappropriate for 
software, having evolved for books, newspapers, songs etc.  There is not a 
great deal of case law in this area to clear up the mess, I suspect because 
most software companies don't want to risk
 precedents being set and thus settle out of court.  What precedents there are 
tend to follow a general trend of "you can do whatever you like if you don't 
distribute it (e.g. hacking/reverse engineering etc) but if you're making money 
out of any reproduction or derivative work you'll have to pay the copyright 
holder".  As such, it's best to avoid any commercial use of material with 
unknown licensing.

6) You can't patent ideas - only inventions.  Patents for software are an even 
worse idea than copyright, unfortunately US lobbyists somehow managed to get 
that form of protection extended.  There's a stackexchange site specifically 
for patent examiners to crowdsource prior art for dodgy patent applications:
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