On 07/08/2013, at 2:31 AM, Roger Eller <roger.e.el...@sealedair.com> wrote:

> Go LiveCode Team!  I despise having to use separate platform-specific
> solutions.

Actually mApp is quite capable of being used as a desktop framework too. Right 
at the moment I'm in a quandary about extending it some more for desktop to 
give it the features I'll miss from GLX or splitting the project I'm 
considering this for. The thing that mApp doesn't do which the OP was about I 
think is pretty buttons etc. That's up to you. It won't become redundant when 
resolution independence is released BTW it will just change the scaling code to 
whatever minor things need to be done for the resolution independence stuff to 


Monte Goulding

M E R Goulding - software development services
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