LinkedIn is a great resource for professionals, with an audience larger than Twitter's and fewer cat pictures than Facebook. ;)

One of LinkedIn's main features is the member profile, where we list our skills and interests, and that's where you come in:

It's common among LinkedIn members to include programming languages they have expertise in, like JavaScript, PHP, Python, etc. These languages are popular enough that you'll often find yourself prompted to endorse someone you know for those skills.

But LiveCode doesn't have as much visibility on LinkedIn, so it almost never appears in such prompts - we can change that:

First, be sure to list LiveCode among the skills in your profile.

Second, when you have time you might consider adding that to endorsements for other LinkedIn members whose LiveCode skills you respect.

I took a couple minutes this morning to add "LiveCode" as a skill in endorsements to some of the folks I know here.

Unfortunately this can't be done with the prompt LinkedIn presents during most browsing of the site, but you can add LiveCode to the prompt that appears when browsing someone's profile.

If you keep this in mind when browsing LinkedIn, hopefully we can raise awareness of LiveCode in that increasingly useful professional venue.

Also, LinkedIn supports discussion groups, and there are several there related to LiveCode. Just search the groups there for LiveCode and you'll find them, including a few regional groups like the one for Portland and another for SoCal.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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