RunRevPlanet wrote:

Knowing little about Apache meant I carefully followed the instructions in
the LiveCodeNotes-5_0_2-Server.pdf Deployment Notes and it worked after some
experimentation. I did have had to make sure the permissions of the file were set to allow it to execute. Thinking about it
now it seems relatively easy, but at the time it was quite confusing as I
had never done it before.
On an intangible note, the feeling of control when having your own VPS, in
contrast to shared hosting is worth every dollar. (Assuming the VPS is from
a company that does not try to squeeze too many users onto each piece of
hardware.) After having tried it I don't think I would ever go back to
shared hosted environment for any "mission critical" web site or apps.

For me, that's turned out to be the biggest unplanned benefit of managing your own server: learning.

It's hard to beat the low cost of shared hosts, but nothing can beat the sense of empowerment you get once you step outside of that and learn even just a little about how Apache works. It doesn't take much, and like learning most things you can chew on small bits over time, you don't need to learn everything at once.

But like learning LiveCode itself, the more you learn about servers the more you can do, and the more confident you feel doing it.

 Richard Gaskin
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