I wrote an extensive response to your original mail on this thread but sadly 
lost it to rubbish Yahoo! webmail + the 15k limit on the list. (FWIW, 
JavaScript is not 50 times slower than C++ but with modern JS engines like 
Google's v8 more like 5 times + that amazing Citadel demo with the unreal 
engine is compiled from C++ to asm.js & WebGL and the asm.js is then ahead of 
time compiled to native code in the browser before it is run - IIRC it only 
works in Firefox nightlies and is sadly unlikely to be supported in browsers 
other than Firefox anytime soon).

>> Can't a coding platform be blazing-fast yet having an excellent IDE, built 
>>on an event-driven foundation and supporting multiple platforms?

The answer here is yes (try coding for Qt in C++ using their excellent Qt 
Creator IDE) but you also want the convenience of a high-level dynamic language 
and in that case the answer is no. Even in the article you linked, the author 
had to give up the convenience of Objective-C and drop down to C++ to get that 
level of optimisation.

The good news is you can also drop down into C++ from LiveCode, so if you 
really need to optimise some algorithm to that level, you can.

The other thing to note is that hardware advances also bail us out, making more 
and more possible with inefficient tools - the iPhone 5 is about 10 times 
faster than the iPhone 3G used in that article.

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