On Aug 21, 2013, at 7:19 PM, Michael Gruenthal <mgruent...@mac.com> wrote:

> Doesn't that violate the terms of your agreement with Apple?

I view Apple like the tide in the ocean.  It is always moving.  There are a 
number of apps that hook into services that exist outside of the Apple 
financial ecosystem. This is our attempt to play in that arena.  There may be a 
day when Apple changes its mind and asks us to modify our model. Until then we 
will see how this goes.  The app is designed to sell more desktop services.  
This is where the profit is.  It is not the other way around.

"Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The 
round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules…"

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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