
When not on Mac OS X, you need to replace linefeed with crlf, convert text to ISO and write the file as binfile, e.g.

put fld 1 into myVar
put macToIso(myVar) into myVar
replace lf with crlf in myVar
put myVar into url "binfile:~/desktop/file.txt"

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 8/25/2013 22:46, Dr. Hawkins wrote:
Apparently, the ECF filing system used by federal courts expects the
whole world to be in dos format.

When I write a file from livecode on OSX, and then upload that file,
ECF fails to recognize that there is more than one line (but when I
dump from openoffice, I'm fine).

I need to override the behavior of accommodating the host filesystem
in livecode, and dumping exactly what that idiotic system expects.

would it be something like

     replace cr with cr & lf

(where I first define as ascii 10)?

Or with lf & cr?

It's been a *long* time since I've dealt with dos, or dos filesystem
for anything other than going back and forth between BSD and Linux
(historically, both do quiet damages to the other's file system)


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