On Sep 3, 2013, at 9:37 AM, Peter Haworth <p...@lcsql.com> wrote:

> I find the script editor right click popup menu item "Go To Definition" for
> a handler name very useful, but it is always greyed out when I try to go to
> a handler in a library stack, one that has been put in the message path by
> a "start using" command.
> I'm tempted to enter a bug report about this bu maybe there's a good reason
> why the Script Editor can't find handlers in library stacks?

Trevor made a nice plugin that makes this feature work with libraries. I do not 
have a link to the plugin. Maybe he will chime in. He listed it publicly once 
before.  I am sure he would not mind it being handed out. I sent him a quick 
email to invite him into this thread.

Best regards,

Mark Talluto

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