On 10/11/13 8:20 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

LC 6.1, Win7, I have the following handler to let the user drag a line:

    lock messages

    repeat while the mouse is down

       wait with messages

       drag from tOldLoc to the mouseLoc

       put the mouseLoc into tOldLoc

    end repeat

    unlock messages

dragging the mouse the line gets drawn fine, if I move the mouse slowly.
When moving the mouse faster, the line gets dashed/dotted. So obviously the
repeat loop can't take off the mouse movement. I tried with/without lock
messages and with/without waiting, but the result is always almost the same.
Obviosly the repeat loop also depends on the processor cylcle, but my
computer isn't that old and I think pretty representative for the average of
my clients.

Any idea, how to speed up the drawing process, so that the line doesn't get

It works okay for me, but I have a newer Mac with a fast processor. I can only make some guesses:

The "wait" command has no time specified. It shouldn't matter too much, but it isn't correct syntax so the engine might be doing something odd.

On a slower computer, there might be enough processing time required that the mouseloc in the first line isn't the same as the second line. You can solve that by storing the mouseloc before you work with it, to make sure it hasn't changed:

 wait 1 millisecond with messages
 put the mouseloc into tCurLoc
 drag from tOldLoc to the tCurLoc
 put tCurLoc into tOldLoc

Finally, repeat loops are slow and inefficient, and polling the state of the mouse is also inefficient. This repeat loop polls the mouse twice in each repeat. It would be better written as a mousemove handler. MouseMove is fast, it provides the current mouseloc in its parameters so you don't need to poll, and isn't a repeat loop. If you need help with that, just ask.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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