On 2/10/14, 6:15 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

I don't see any need to invent a new verb "pad"; why not simply
something like

put <value> [for N times] <chunk description>
put [N copies of] <value> <chunk description>

    put "hello" into myVar
    put "xyz" for 2 times after char 3 of myVar    --> helxyzxyzlo
or perhaps
    put 2 copies of "xyz" after char 3 of myVar

Or indeed
    put "abc" & 4 copies of " " & "def" into newVar
to give a value of "abc    def"

I could go with the first one, but if we're to avoid inventing new syntax then I'd drop the version that uses "copies". But the first variation would work and I like the idea of building off existing terminology.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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