This has nothing to do with LC but as varied as this group is in their tempers and attitudes, as we know well from lively discussions, I thought that some of you may find it interesting to get free personality portraits.

If you are not interested, just press the delete key now.

I work with the German partner of a British company called Lumina Learning. They develop psychometric instruments which are used by coaches and trainers. Companies use them for personal and organizational change and long-term improvement. The instruments are about realizing how we are and function as individuals and how we are different from other people and they from us. Their unique approach is to look at the opposite ends of each scale independently. Yes, many of us are both introverts and extroverts in varying degrees and it shows there.

They are working on improving their products and would like to get as many different people as possible to complete the development versions of two of their instruments. They simply want to collect a large reference data.

Anybody that completes the first questionnaire can get a short personality portrait emailed to them. Anybody that completes the second questionnaire can get a short emotional intelligence report. Both are free.

Each questionnaire takes 20-25 mins. If it takes you longer, you think too much ;-) There are no good or bad answers. Answering the way you feel and behave, not the way you are expected to be or behave, will produce more realistic results. I haven't seen reports from the second questionnaire but the portrait produced by the first one is different for each person, with your unique colorful mandala.


This is a short time only deal. I believe after 7-10 days these links will go away, depending how quickly they reach their goal.


Disclosure: although I work with that company and thus benefit from their research indirectly on the long term, I do not gain anything directly when you fill out these questionnaires.

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